miércoles, 19 de junio de 2013

dns error ps3

PS3 DNS Error Fix/Cure right here!
PS3 DNS Error Fix/Cure right here!

dns error ps3

PS3 DNS Error Fix/Cure right here!

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September 3rd 2011 Updated Links: /?PS3-DNS-Err... munity.us.playstation.com/t... Either link will most likely put you on the website that saved me big time previously lol. I know alot of you PS3 Nerds (Yes I am one) can't be w/o the PS3 for too long so you will send Sony $$$ to repair. DON'T! This is the method that should work for almost everybody (Especially on firmware 2.76). If it doesn't work I am sorry and if you need a simple video tutorial please request it. It did work for my friends and I who all have Roadrunner (Time warner modem). This is a fix for connecting online with games and for updates exc. If anything just ask and I will do my best to help you out. Thanks and please rate comment & subscribe :-)

how to fix DNS error on PS3 (part 2)

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GUYS this might work for some of you and some might because these are not your exact stuff for your router. So go easy instead of custom once you choose easy then keep going next till the end. you will have more chances of success make sure your net power is 60 percent and above

Tutorial: Colocar DNS para resolver erro 80710736 PS3

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Olá, Primeiramente gostaria de informar que meu canal NÃO É VOLTADO A TUTORIAIS por isso não sou bom de fala e muito menos de explicação. Este vídeo é somente um tutorial básico de como colocar o DNS em sua conexão do PS3 para poder fazer as atualizações de "Firmware" no caso é da atualização 1.06. Após ter sofrido do problema eu pesquisei e encontrei graças ao: /user/EdUaRdOFH... No vídeo: /watch?v=LsODYT... Espero ter ajudado! :D

PS3 DNS error problem solution(HD)

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DNS probem solution Here is the thing ,if you can put this dns settings in manual Primary Dns : Secondary DNS : OTHER OPEN DNS ponse for new video

Comentarios de los Videos dns error ps3

Por lo asoció por lo que hizo fallar a una distribución normal.
Si se ejecuta o por exponer al menos dos tipos de hairesis

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